
Collaborative Feminism

Luke Waller

The project I would like to further during the residency is a collaborative one looking at feminism. Using the global visual language of Hong Kong Cinema I am experimenting with creating a project that adds to or encourages people to talk more about feminism. How can design, or animation help to facilitate this movement and does being a man hinder the process at all, these are some of the main questions I have been asking. The project so far has taken the form of a fictional film trailer which starts out addressing real stories of female sexual abuse, although the project isn’t finished yet I would see the residency as an excellent opportunity to advance it significantly. I am currently working with a Chinese designer, a British copy writer and another illustrator from Hong Kong. Together we are trying to create something that speaks to a global audience and that connects to men and women.

I think the RE-WRITE nature of my project connects to how I am using the visual language of Hong Kong Cinema to try to communicate to a large audience. By reusing scenes from Old Kung Fu films and rewriting old HKC film posters I am taking the idea of something already used and turning it into something new and for a new direction. Illustration, design and animation are the main focal points of this.