Borrowed Drawings
Anita Cooney and Emily Luce
Agility, Rules of Play, and Estrangements
open yourself to draw with a ghost
a congenial invitation
(but be careful whenever dealing with the uncanny)
1. Pick a ghostly object. Communicate the drawing to someone and have them draw it. (rules of play)
2. Draw a part with your eyes closed, a part sighted. (estrangement)
3. Turn the drawing upside down at least once. (agility)

Outcome by: Lucy Hitchcock

Outcome by: Aggie Toppins

Outcome by: Sandie Maxa

Outcome by: Mary Banas

Outcome by: Margo Halverson

Outcome by: Noya Kohavi

Outcome by: Mark Sanders

Outcome by: Anita Cooney and Emily Luce